Sign up

First name*

Last name*

Your E-Mail*

Street, street no

Zip code, city



Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Your booking will be confirmed upon receipt of the payment.
Cancellations are only possible until 6 weeks (and 8 weeks for Guest Teachers) before the workshop/training starts and you will get a refund minus 20 % administrations fee.

After that, cancellation with return money is not possible. If you can’t participate because of an injury or illness and have a medical report, we can
give you a voucher for another / the next workshop.
Participation is at your own risk.

Please transfer your payment to the following account:
Ashtanga Studio Berlin
Konto: 194 14 104
Postbank Berlin, BLZ 10010010
IBAN: DE77 1001 0010 0019 4141 04