Andrea Lutz
Andrea Lutz has been activly engaged in the different traditions of Yoga since 1986. Following many years of studying Shivananda and Iyengar Yoga, her first contact with Ashtanga Yoga was in 1997. Since then, her fascination and involvement with this unique form of yoga has steadily increased. She has been a yoga teacher since 1995. In 2000 her focus in practice and teaching shifted completely to traditional Ashtanga Yoga. In May 2005 she opened the Ashtanga Studio Berlin.
Andrea is following the traditional lineage of Sri K. Patthabi Jois, carried on by Manju P. Jois and Nancy Gilgoff. In recent years she has been practicing with and learning from them both in several workshops, teacher trainings and on long study visits to Maui/ Hawaii where she goes every year since 2006 to study under the guidance of Nancy Gilgoff and to deepen her own practice.
In 2009 Manju P. Jois authorized Andrea to teach the Primary and the Intermediate Series of traditional Ashtanga Yoga and she has his blessing to teach the “Advanced Series”.
Apart from learning from her main teachers, she studied Yoga over the last 3 decades with many world-renowned teachers around the world to broaden her horizon. Andrea possesses extensive and sound background knowledge of alternative medicine and she holds a degree as a health practitioner as well as a degree in physiotherapy. She studied different methods of body work therapy and is a Reiki practitioner. Andrea was also a performance artist and dancer for 10 years.
She is teaching daily classes in Berlin, as well as workshops, teacher trainings and retreats all over Europe.
“Ashtanga Yoga is a possibility to loosen and change old structures step by step. In no other physical practice have I felt this complex and over all experience. Yoga is a life long journey, there is no point when you are done. This journey is exciting and exhilarating and it requires a lot of patience and dedication.” Andrea