„Wochenend Workshop“ mit Manju P. Jois

Manju P. Jois will introduce and teach the powerful healing elements and techniques that make up the Ashtanga system. The Primary Series, a series of asanas (postures) known as Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Healing), the Intermediate Series entitled Nadi Shodhana (nerve cleansing), the Nadi Shodhana Pranayamas (breathing exercises) and the Vedic peace chants (Shanti Mantras).
Manju is known for his healing hands and his precise adjustments. He has over 45 years teaching experience and is a master in Yoga Therapy.
Manju P. Jois started yoga at age seven with his father Sri K. Patthabi Jois in Mysore and began teaching at age 15. He has taught continuously throughout the world for the past 45 years. Manju Jois‚ dedicated life-long mission is to provide training for students and teachers in the traditions of Ashtanga Yoga. Manju Jois trains students in the ancient style of yoga, which is a combination of the asanas, Pranayamas and meditation chants. Manju’s teaching style is intensive, inspiring and humorous. He is honored to pass along all of the traditional components of yoga to his students, as he encourages them: „Unite with yourself“.
» Manjus Website
Wochenend Workshop
25. & 26. Juni
10am – 1pm
Led Classes to introduce the original Sanskrit counting method, introduction to Pranayama, Vedic Peace Chants, Discussion / Questions & Answers.
All levels of experience are welcome, some experience in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga is required.
Costs (prices including VAT 19 %)
Weekend Workshop: 150 €*
*Students of Ashtanga Studio Berlin 130 €
Places are limited and allocated when payment has arrived.
Participation is at your own risk.
If you need accommodation please send us an e-mail and we will send you links for affordable private rooms and apartments in the area.