„Intermediate Clinic“ mit Nancy Gilgoff

Nancy Gilgoff is one of the pioneers of Ashtanga Yoga and the first western women introduced to Ashtanga Yoga. She began practicing Ashtanga Yoga over thirty years ago with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, India. As result of their long and close association, Nancy is able to teach with a style and touch that comes directly from Pattabhi Jois.
When Nancy asked Jois how she should teach, he told her to „teach the way I taught you“ – advice which she took to heart and continues to follow today.
Her home is on the Hawaiian island of Maui, where she founded „The House of Yoga and Zen“ twenty years ago and where she continues to teach to this day.
Nancy’s studies, over the years, have also led her to other teachers, including Baba Hari Das and for asana, instructors of Iyengar. In addition, she has and continues to pursue the dharma teachings of the Dalai Lama.
Nancy spends much of her time touring the United States, Europe and Asia, teaching with a view to fostering loving-kindness and to share her love and experience of yoga.
17.-21. September
Intermediate Clinic
Saturday to Wednesday:
10:00 am – 12:00 am: Practice
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm: Adjustment Clinic
In this workshop, you continue to learn the principles of hands-on adjusting, of working therapeutically, and of sensing energy movement and blockage in the body. Focus will be on the Intermediate Series of the Ashtanga system. The workshop is open to those who have completed a Primary Adjustment Clinic with Nancy Gilgoff. Also accepted are students, who completed the 200h Teachers Training with Andrea Lutz and have attended a weekend workshop with Nancy before. All participants must have a daily practice and be practicing the full Intermediate Series regularly. There will be a practice session and a 3-hour Adjustment Clinic.
Costs (incl. 19% vat): 690 €
Places are limited.
Payment of the workshop fee is required to reserve your space
If you need accommodation write us an e-mail and we will send you links for affordable private rooms and apartments in the area.